Expert Bond Cleaning Is About More Than Getting Your Bond Back
When you’re about to move out how do you ensure you get your bond money back? A common tactic is to use a professional cleaning company to perform a thorough top to bottom exit clean. Expert cleaning can certainly help guarantee getting your bond money back, but is there another bonus? Are there other benefits to making sure you leave the property in the best possible condition?
Yes. Expert cleaning can get help you get your bond money back, but the advantage is actually two fold. A pristine vacate clean will satisfy the most stringent landlord or property manager and importantly, protect your rental history. That needs to stay squeaky clean too.

Why Is An Expert Bond Clean Necessary?
When you moved into your home it would’ve been prepared, cleaned and made ready for your tenancy. When you move out, obviously the right thing to do is leave no trace. You have to make sure that when you hand the keys back it looks like you were never there.
However, let’s be honest, you don’t just do this out of sheer good will and respect for the landlord and their next tenant. When you signed the lease you also entered into a legal contract. Part of the lease is an agreement to keep and maintain the property. When you vacate it’s supposed to be handed back in the same condition as when you moved in. You’re actually on the hook. And worse, your money and reputation is on the line.
Hiring Expert Cleaners Help You Stay In Control Of Costs And Your Reputation
A property manager usually takes a rental, or security bond to hold against any damage or breach of lease. Generally this is the equivalent of four weeks rent. It can be a sizable sum. While a landlord can’t just keep this bond on a whim, they can hold onto it if they have good grounds. One of the most common reasons for any deduction is to cover cleaning costs. If the home is not up to standard when you leave the property manager is within their rights use your bond to set that right.
Once property managers have to hire cleaners themselves you lose control of those costs. If you are deemed to have not done a good enough job you can be charged additional for the extra cleaning. If you simply walked away and put cleaning the property into the landlord’s hands the entire job will be done on their terms, not yours. You can say goodbye to hope of getting any bond money back and hello to a black mark on your rental history. A nightmare scenario could even see you being slugged with costs that are greater than the bond. The landlord will then pursue you for the excess.
Your Money And Your Reputation Counts On Expert Bond Cleaning
Leaving the property spotless and in good condition is really about more than just getting your bond money back. It’s imperative to leave your old landlord on good terms and to keep your rental history in good standing.
You’ll probably need a landlord’s reference to move into a future residence. Nowadays competition for the next rental home can be fierce. Property managers will no doubt want to run background checks. Your references will be requested. If your old landlord can provide a positive referral it can go a long way towards securing your next home.
Don’t risk getting blacklisted on the tenant’s database. Even if you’re leaving the rental market and on your way to getting a mortgage, a lender will also want to verify that you have a history of paying rent on time, and possibly check that your bond money was returned intact and that you don’t owe any money for damages.
Trust An Expert Clean To Get Your Bond Money Back And Secure Your Positive Tenant History
One of the best ways to leave on good terms and ensure your reputation remains unscathed is to hire a professional bond cleaning service like GreenMan Property Services. A thorough vacate clean performed by experts will guarantee the property is returned in its original condition. A GreenMan bond clean will impress even the most stringent landlord. You’ll get your bond back and secure that important clean rental history.