How A GreenMan Clean Up Helped 4MKAM's "Rob's Rescues" Grant A Wish.
GreenMan Property Services were recently approached by Rob Kidd from 4MKam’s Breakfast with Rob. Local radio show personality, Rob, hosts a segment called “Rob’s Rescues” where he makes some worthy wishes come true for some lucky local Mackay listeners, and he needed GreenMan help with a special clean up job.
The listener in question, Kathy, wasn’t asking for herself. The wish she had in mind would mean the world to her mum and dad. Kathy’s parents weren’t very well and their untidy garden was getting them even more down as they couldn’t do anything about it themselves. Could GreenMan step in and help a listener with her heartfelt wish to clean up a messy yard for her deserving mum and dad?
Kathy's Wish:
My wish isn’t for me but for my parents.. Dad has parkinsons and had a stroke and mum has osteoporosis..they are desperately wanting an old garden shed pulled down and taken away and yard cleaned .. so winning this for them would be amazing .. Thank you 4mk.
An easy wish for GreenMan Property Services to grant - making gardens look neat is what we do!
A garden clean up and shed removal? Tidying up’s right up our alley. Of course we said yes.

GreenMan leapt into action and sent a team around to investigate. A GreenMan clean up was definitely a worthy wish. The shed was overgrown, completely ramshackle and really quite dangerous. The garden was a tangle of rusty corrugated iron and chicken wire. Weeds were taking over and fallen leaves were accumulating into a giant compost pile around it.
What a mess.
It was no wonder Kathy’s poor parents were unable to deal with it themselves. We were definitely up for the challenge though.
A concerted GreenMan clean up quickly made Kathy's mum and dad's day.
Our experienced maintenance team soon had the old collapsing shed stripped down, the weeds pulled and rotting leaves raked up.
Then we happily hauled everything away for proper disposal. With the old shed removed and the area cleaned up, backyard order was restored once more.
Now Kathy’s parents don’t have to look at that eyesore and can finally enjoy their back garden again.